Marketing Tools to Automate and Elevate Your Marketing Efforts

Posted on June 27, 2019

In today’s marketing world, marketers have so much to oversee in so little time. That is why marketing has been moving towards automation, or a way to complete your marketing efforts efficiently so that you can focus on the big picture. There are 8 key automation tools that can help any marketer. Let’s dive into them, shall we?


Hi! My name is Sarah Kloth and as the Director of Digital Strategy, I work directly with our clients to determine their goals and how to reach those goals through key marketing efforts. Today, I’m going to talk about tools to automate and elevate your marketing efforts. Throughout this presentation, focus on the functionality of these tools that I am going to mention. 

In today’s marketing world, it’s very easy to be overwhelmed by daily tasks. However, there are great tools that can take these tasks off your hands, so that you can focus on the big picture and truly elevate your marketing efforts. According to a recent study, 74% of marketers say that the biggest benefit of automation is it’s a time-saver.

Before you get these tools, you need to establish goals. For example, is your goal to increase your contact list or social engagement? Once you’ve established these goals, then it is time to get the tools that will help you reach these goals. 


This tool is available on WordPress and Drupal. SumoMe contains a suite of different tools to help with lead generation, building contact lists, and increase newsletter signups. One important tool within it is List Builder, which allows you to design pop-ups that will help you grow your list. With this tool, you can determine where to put your pop-ups. You want to be careful with List Builder; don’t put pop-ups everywhere because it will annoy the user. The great thing about the SumoMe app is that you can sync the app with MailChimp; so if someone uses your pop-up to sign-up, it will directly go into your E-mail lists.

Another app within SumoMe is called Smart Bar, allowing you to design and manage your website bars that best fits your company and customer needs. Share is another great app within SumoMe, that allows you to put your social media, E-mails, and other sharing platforms in order to increase engagement.

Title Experiments

Title Experiments is a great tool for increasing traffic, engagements and shares. Title Experiments allows you to add multiple headlines within WordPress in the back-end. This is a great tool because it allows you to set the number of days to run these titles for, then you can set the app to automatically use the winning headline. Another great thing about this app is that it doesn’t have a negative impact on your SEO strategy.

JetPack and Revive Old Posts

Another great tool to increase traffic and engagement is JetPack. This app allows you to automate your social media. Meanwhile, Revive Old post is a great tool to increase content exposure and social engagement by allowing you to republish old posts. This app, in particular, allows you to set better rules for your social media posts like when to posts. Now if you don’t have specific categories for your content, we do not recommend this app.


Another great tool we’ve used for our clients is HubSpot. This is a great tool for lead generation and leads nurturing. This app allows you to go backward and see who are the users going onto your website, how they got to your website, and where they were on your website. 


This is a 3rd party website that you can sign up for to time-saving and organizing your daily tasks. According to a book called Destructive Marketing, 60% of marketers spend about 6 or more hours a week on repetitive tasks. Zapier solves this issue by allowing you to connect all programs and software that you use so that you can better organize your day. Zapier supports over 750 apps including MailChimp, SurveyMonkey, and WordPress.


This is a great SEO tool to improve organic traffic, social engagement, and usability. This app allows you to add titles and meta descriptions to your website. Yoast also allows for social media optimization, which ensures that your social media descriptions and images are being shown the way you want. 


The last automation tool that I want to discuss is called Related Posts by Zemanta. This app utilizes different keywords and your blog categories to pull related content that the user can read. This app is essential for content marketing as well as boosting visitor engagement. 

Overall, I hope you learned that the future of marketing is automation. Hopefully, these introductions to key marketing automation tools will allow you to work smarter, save time and elevate your results.