Riya Kaul
Digital Marketing Specialist
Riya is a digital marketing specialist at Top Floor. She has a passion for search engine optimization and is always looking for ways to improve her marketing skills. She comes from an agency background where she gained experience in many digital marketing tools that she can use to help clients best meet their goals.
Riya is a recent graduate of UW- Madison, where she earned degrees in marketing and international business as well as certifications in Chinese and East Asian Studies. In her free time, she loves to dance, cook food, and watch TV. She also has a passion for traveling and is always planning her next trip.
Keyword Research
Social Media
Competitor Analysis
World Traveler

Get To Know Riya
Cups Per Day
Cups Per Day
Zero - believe it or not!
Favorite Movie
Favorite Movie
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Years In Industry
Years In Industry
Beer or Wine
Beer or Wine
Pet Peeves
Pet Peeves
Bad Drivers
Makes You Weird
Makes You Weird
I enjoy learning languages. I can speak Mandarin, am currently learning Hindi, and want to learn Korean!
Mac or PC
Mac or PC
Favorite Book
Favorite Book
Crazy Rich Asians
My Favorite
"It's ok to try and fail and try and fail again. But it is not ok to try and fail and fail to try again"