Paige Logemann
Digital Marketing Specialist
Paige from Appleton, WI and is now living in the Milwaukee area with her new husband and cat. She went to UW-Whitewater for college and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing in 2019. Paige is now a Digital Marketing Specialist at Top Floor, specializing in SEO and PPC. She works with a number of clients to reach and build their business goals as well as working on improving her own career goals in digital marketing.
In Paige’s free time she loves to spend time with her family. She enjoys going up north to her family’s cottages, relaxing by the lake, and having campfires. At home, she watches old and new seasons of Survivor and many other reality game shows. Paige also loves country music, so you’ll likely find her at a concert enjoying a beer with her friends.
Strategy Creation
Memorizing the Lyrics to Luke Bryan Songs

Get To Know Paige
Cups Per Day
Cups Per Day
Favorite Movie
Favorite Movie
Thor: Ragnarok
Years In Industry
Years In Industry
Beer or Wine
Beer or Wine
Pet Peeves
Pet Peeves
Loud Chewing (gum specifically)
Makes You Weird
Makes You Weird
I love to watch Dr. Pimple Popper and home renovation Tiktoks!
Mac or PC
Mac or PC
Favorite Book
Favorite Book
And Then There Were None - Agatha Christie
My Favorite
"You only miss the shots you don't take"