MultiFab Products Desktop & Mobile Mockup

Project Overview

Services • SEO | Web Design & Development

Specialty • Drupal | Ecommerce | Manufacturing & Industrial

Multi-Fab came to Top Floor with concerns and issues associated with their website that had an outdated look, feel, and function. The website platform was not meeting Multi-Fab’s eCommerce workflow needs and was creating more manual work for internal staff when it came to entering orders. Multi-Fab was looking for a mobile-responsive and user-friendly website that could facilitate online orders for both U.S. and Canadian dealers. With their extensive product selection, Multi-Fab was challenged with the organization and display of products on the website. They wanted to focus on both product and brand categories for a better user experience.


Led by user personas and competitor research, our Design, Development, and SEO teams needed to work collaboratively together with Multi-Fab’s marketing team to create a unique and functional website that would meet the company’s needs. The site needed to be functional, easy to navigate, and offer a seamless eCommerce experience for dealers. A key piece of this would be improved site search and product categories within the navigation bar to better assist dealers in finding exactly what they need. With Multi-Fab’s vast number of products, the architecture of the site navigation would be essential to the user experience.

The Website

Multi Fab Category Page Multi Fab brand page multi fab schematic page multi-fab product detail page

Mobile & Tablet Experience

MultiFab on Tablet and mobile
Bar graph showing increased website traffic, decreased mobile traffic bounce rate,a nd increased average pages per session

The Results

Multi-Fab’s redesigned website now meets the eCommerce needs of Multi-Fab’s registered dealers with new functionality and refreshed look. The modern, full-width design is completely mobile-responsive and can facilitate purchases on any device. The improved and robust site search is prominent within the navigation menu and allows for visitors to search the site with the help of suggested terms and recommended products. The newly organized product collection is broken up by dock parts and door parts, then simplified further by brands and categories. Visitors can then view detailed schematic drawings and identify exact replacement parts they might need, including hard to find and obsolete items. The quick view and “Buy Now” features offer an efficient eCommerce experience for Dealers.

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