5 Things We Love About Drupal 8

Design & Development

Last month, the Drupal project released the biggest update ever to their content management platform – and we’re eager to put the new features to work elevating results for our clients!

Our team is still digging into some of the new capabilities, but at first blush there are 5 things we’re most excited about:

1) Mobile first output

Mobile website visits now account for 27% of traffic, on average.  This may be higher or lower for your company depending on industry and customer demographics, but one thing is for certain – mobile will continue to grow in importance for site design and performance.

The entire Drupal 8 user interface has been made responsive, now adding the ability for content authors to publish new material on any device.

2) Full translation and globalization

Drupal 8 contains a number of features designed to support global digital strategies. (Which is particularly relevant to many of our customers with operations abroad or with multinational e-commerce sites.) Drupal 8 is multilingual and allows you to quickly translate sites into any language.

3) Enhanced usability of the “authoring experience”

The authoring experience has been completely reimagined with Drupal 8.  A new WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor tool allows admins to make streamlined in-line, in-context changes.

4) Better performance of personalized, dynamic content

One of the reasons why we recommend Drupal in some cases over other platforms is its ability to deliver personalized, dynamic content to site visitors.  With Drupal 8, this ability is enhanced even further with caching improvements that accelerate delivery of this content.

5) Faster development

While most of this is the “behind the scenes” for clients, Drupal 8 also provides extensive enhancements for developers. Things like RESTful APIs, simplified configuration management, object-oriented development, and improved unit testing support will allow us to get to results even faster.

As we continue to learn about the new features and capabilities of Drupal 8, we will share best practices and ideas on our blog.  Until then, let us know what questions you have and keep on elevating results!