Everything I Know About Digital Marketing I Learned from my Dad
Sometimes you just have to say “Yes” – even when you don’t really want to.
There is something special about the Dads in our world. They are there to lay down the law when Mom’s word isn’t really what you want to hear. They are there to cheer on their family in the good times and support them in the bad. Dads also know when they are not going to win the battle and just have to give in and say “Yes” (after some classic Dad jokes of course). Digital Marketing is always changing and it’s important to stay ahead of the curve and know when to say “Yes” to new opportunities.
“Back in my day when I went to school, I had to walk 15 miles up hill both ways in the snow!”
“Well Dad, times have changed and I’m headed to the BUS STOP. See you after school!”
Even if it sounds like a lot of work or it’s just not “the way you’ve always done it,” it’s time to say “Yes” and hop on the bus to go for the wild ride we call Digital Marketing!
“Go clean your room!”
Although it’s never fun, there is no getting around it. You’ve been doing some Digital Marketing on your own for a while now and you’re feeling pretty good, but you can’t keep track of it all. “What are my budgets for each platform? How long is this promotion running? When did I update my ads last?” It’s time to do a little cleanup. Make yourself a calendar or spreadsheet to keep yourself on track for all of your website updates, PPC campaigns, Email Marketing, Social Media, etc. Cleaning up also means taking a look at campaign performance and making sure you’re cleaning up any messes that may be lingering.
“You’re not wearing that!”
Let’s be honest – Dads don’t say this to look out for your fashion sense, they say this to look out for your family name. You need to make sure that you’re giving your business a positive reputation using Digital Marketing. Maybe you’re trying to rebrand your business or raise awareness – do it in a way that professionally represents your mission and why you started your business in the first place. Keep on the latest trends, but not so much that you lose track of your defined goals.
“Hurry Up! You’re burnin’ daylight!”
Dads will always let you know when you’re over thinking or taking too long and will be there to calm you down and support you. Although it is important to research your Digital Marketing options and not go in blindly, don’t wait too long. Digital Marketing changes daily and it is important to know the difference between knowing you need to do more research and being hesitant to start something new. Before you know it, what you spent months researching is now a thing of the past.
Have Fun!
Parenting & Digital Marketing may not be the easiest, but are rewarding and worth the effort! In the midst of frustration and challenges, it is okay to kick back, have a beer and a cigar, and look at your accomplishments!
Everyone claims they have the “Best Dad” and none of them are wrong! Happy Father’s Day to all the Best Dads out there!
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